My favorite quote

"Sometimes we all just need to cry" :")

Monday, February 20, 2012


Well in our lives we all have to face the realization that, maybe being single is better. Today I decided to end my relationship with my current boyfriend. I realized that being single is better for me. Now I am more than happy, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my back!! I might just be single for a while... :D

My weekend.

This weekend was pretty boring. The most excited thing I did was hang out with Maci on Friday. We saw chronical, and I must say, its a pretty good movie! I rate it a 9 out of ten. The rest of the weekend, I just sat at my moms house drawing, and watching 80s movies over and over again! How was your weekend?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best day ever!!

Today was the best day ever!!!!! I thought that it was going to be horrible because I would be all lonely and what not, but it ends up being wonderful! In the morning I was at my table with my friends, opening their gifts, when my crush came up to me, hugged me, and asked me out!!! How sweet is that! Do tell me about your day! Leave comments please

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valintines Day...

Well, tomarrow is Valintines Day. I will be single, of course, but who cares! I have all of my loving friends and family, so I really don't need a boyfriend tomarrow! And for all those mothers out there who freaks out this time of year because you are concerned about your teen having a date, stop! Its ok for your teen to like somebody and to care for someone at this age. So let them be ok! Its totally normal, so let your teen have a b/g friend please. Your teen will love you even more then they do now. They will actually brag to their friends about you! And teens don't stress about being single, many others will be too!


Today in Social Studies was sad and awkward at the same time. Every girls dream (almost every girl) is to be asked by a guy to dance, right? Well today in Social Studies we had to learn how the people back then used to dance, so we had to do the dances right. By right I mean boy and girl. It was guys choice. Did I mention my crush is in my class. Of course I really wanted my crush to ask me, so I stood close to him so that he could just ask me. Then he turns to me like was about to ask me, but then turns around and asks this other girl Natalie. (Fake name). :( I was super sad, and ended up dancing with one of the nerds! Luckily that nerd just happened to be a good friend of mine :) so It was only slightly awkward. Anyway I got through the day alive and well

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Well if you are a teen, or were a teen, you probably have/had braces. Me, I have braces and to top it off, today I got rubber bands! Wonderful. The great thing is in April I have one more appointment before I actually get them off! I'm am so excited! Ive had them on for about for almost 18 months now, so I am so ready for them to be gone! I would love for some of you people who have stories about their braces, just post them in the comments!

Monday, February 6, 2012

First morning

This is my first morning on the blog. Yes I have to get up this early every morning to go to school. I usually get to school around 7:00 am. I already ate breakfast, I don't think I need to say what I had, but if you really must know you can ask me via email I guess. I better start getting ready for the day. Bye.